
Leaked!!! 20 Super Cool Future Cars Concepts

Chevy EN-V 2.0

#1 Peugeot Aureon Concept

This three-wheeled electric car is all about efficient transport. It only seats two people, so you might be looking at the city roadster of the future. If you’re wondering where the motor is, it’s inside the large back wheel.

Peugeot Aureon Concept Car


#2 2025 Lincoln Continental

This concept was actually designed by Lawrence Tech University undergrads, but produced by Ford Motor Company’s product development center. Some of the over the top features include a retractable food cooler, a beverage dispenser, a center-opening doors, and a slipping trunk bed.

2025 Lincoln Continental Car

#3 A Hovercraft? Yes.

Engineers Michael Mercier and Chris Jones have been working on a hovercraft which will feature materials like carbon fiber, aluminum, fiberglass, and marine plywood. Production of a single model will cost close to $20 million.

A Hovercraft

#4 Chevy EN-V 2.0

This car of tomorrow was showcased at Auto China 2012. Chevy is hoping this becomes the greenest car on the market. According to GM “The EN-V 2.0 concept would use technologies such as the mobility Internet, electrification and telematics to help change the automotive landscape and ensure a sustainable future for our industry,”

Chevy EN-V 2.0

#5 Audi Concept

This Audi concept is only an example of the type of futuristic technologies that the German manufacturer is working on. One of the coolest features is the auto garage park, which will find an open spot in a parking garage, guide the car to the spot and self park it. Awesome right?!?

Audi Concept

Written by Sheri


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