Ipads are becoming more and more common every day and for some reason, every toddler wants to get their hands on one. While this fascination is really quite inexplicable, it can however be used by parents to their own advantage. The iOS platform brings several apps that include games, which allow learning for preschoolers. So the next time your child wants to play candy crush or waste their time on some other game, give them the following apps so that they actually learn something;
1. Preschool edukidsroom by Cubic Frog; the app is one of the more popular ones on the apple platform. It boasts of 2500,000 users. With quite an extensive list of features, it continues to make fans among parents and toddlers alike. The app teaches kids through puzzles and animations and parents especially praise the option to vary skill levels, which further improves the app’s functionality. Some features like matching number, clock puzzle and sorting through colors are only available with the paid version.