
5 Home Remedies to make your Hairs Grow Faster

We have all, at one point in our lives or another, wanted to grow out our hair. Whether it is to comply with the latest fad, or just out of personal satisfaction, we have all wanted our hair to grow, and we want them to grow FAST. It is not always easy to achieve this, but with some of the tips mentioned below, we hope you will find your hair growing at a surprising rate.

Massage your Scalp

The oldest trick in the book, massaging is a time-tested method to achieve glorious long hair and that too in a very short period of time. The reason why massaging the scalp helps is because it enhances blood flow in that region which in turn means your head gains more nutrients at a faster rate and the hair follicles’ growth is booster. This tip is especially important for the boys, who I am sure have all been forcefully given a ‘maalish’ by their doting aunts who threaten them that they might go ‘bald’ if they don’t have the scalp massaged.

Hair Massage with oil

Trim your Hairs

This is especially important for the girls. As your hair grow, they may develop split ends and these could weaken or dry up the entire hair strand. The expert suggestion? – Trim it. Yes, it may seem counterproductive to cut down the very thing you are trying to grow. However, we have all known that age-old saying; you have to lose something to gain something.

Hair trimming

Oils and Eggs are your Best Friend

We have already told you the magic of massaging the scalp. This tip is related to that first tip. Eggs, we know, are rich in protein and proteins are something your hair depends upon. It only seems logical that you give your hair what they want. You can start by cracking a few eggs and use the liquid minus the yoke and apply it to the hair. Same goes for oils. Oils can be a major source of nutrients and can seep right down to the roots thus making it easier for the hair to absorb the nutrients and grow faster.

Oil and Eggs

Fenugreek Juice

A spice devised by many to be the ideal hair-growth potion, you can use it easily to make juice. Just a few tablespoons of the spice dissolved in water should then be used to rinse the hair.

Fenugreek Drink

Balanced Diet

Most important of all is that you follow a good diet. Not only is this a general life tip, it is also necessary for strong hair growth. What you eat is what you reflect with your hair. Eat protein-rich foods, as well as pulses. One important thing that constitutes any balanced diet but is often overlooked is the consumption of water. Water revitalizes not only dry hair and skin, but also boost hair growth and flow of blood to the scalp.

Balanced Diet for Fast Hair Growth

While all these tips give you an overview of the simplest remedies available, remember to never wash your hair with hot water as it causes dryness. With that said, let your hair down and be proud of them. Worrying can affect your hair just as much as anything else.

Written by Sheri


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