
6 Tips to Make your Wedding Anniversary Romantic & Memorable

Tips to Make your Wedding Anniversary Romantic & Memorable

Anniversaries are a great way to rekindle the heat in any relationship. Not just that, but anniversaries remind you how for you have come and why you should really stick to it. However, a mere fancy dinner on the special day is become a bit of a cliché, so here we bring to you some ideas to spice up your special day for you.

1. Turn the Noise off; the simplest way to make the day special is to reserve it especially for your special one. Turn off your phone, take a day off from work and just spend the time with him/her. Let no phone calls or emergency meetings disrupt your cuddling sessions. This may seem like an obvious thing but the truth is, we all need to be reminded once in a while that life is not about work but the people that matter to you.

2. Outdoors; if you and your partner love the outdoors, or simply if your anniversary falls on a beautiful spring day, just head out. Go trekking on a local hill, or if that is too extreme, you could go to the local park and admire all that is beautiful about this world. Going camping up in the mountains is another beautiful idea. Just remember to lay under the blanket of stars holding their hand; surely such a beautiful gesture will only strengthen your bond.

3. Traditions; there are a number of ways to make the day memorable if you are entrenched in traditions. The most obvious way would be to renew your vows. It reminds why you got together in the first place, and if you are going through a rough patch in the relationship, nothing would say ‘commitment’ better than reminding yourself of the vows from the better days. Another way is to get a hold of the wedding pictures or visiting your wedding site. It would bring back all the good memories and perhaps a lot of happiness too.

4. Get creative; you could lay out a treasure hunt or a breadcrumb trail for you partner, at the end of which should lie an expensive gift. This is the sort of thing that would bring back a lot of memories. Another idea is to write letters to each other during the anniversary week. Write about what you hate about each other and more importantly, what you love about each other. Such cute gestures will surely work, especially if you are on the north side of 40 years of age.

5. Yachts; you cannot go wrong with a cruise trip. Don’t worry about the money for it will be worth it when you return from your trip with your bonds rejuvenated.

6. Collage; this is a little time consuming but with the amount of effort that goes into it, a collage will surely make your partner fall in love with you all over again. A similar one to this is to make a mix-tape of your partner’s favorite song as well as songs that hold special memories for your couple.

Wedding anniversaries are special moments and if you have the means, I would suggest you spare no expense in making it memorable. Remember that a happy relationship can make even the toughest of times easier.

Written by Sheri


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