There are usually size able disconnects between the government and an average citizen but one’s voice could be heard by the government and appropriate agencies through active participation and communication. The best mode of communication in such case is a letter to a government official or the agency regarding specific issue.
Make sure the letter you are about to write to a government official should be persuasive yet respectful. Continue reading for the guidance over writing a letter to government official.
1. Create an outline for your letter based on the ideas from the topic over which you are intending to writer the letter so that your ideas should not appear to be disjointed and shall relate to the topic.
2. Be sure of the address of the government official to whom you are writing.
3. Mention the date and address on the top right side of the letter.
4. Write “Subject:” followed by the actual subject of the letter. Be sure about leaving a blank line between address and subject line.
5. Begin writing your letter with a start such as “Dear Counselor”, depending over the title of the government official.
6. Then section below this shall contain the body of the letter, stating the purpose in detail behind writing the letter.
7. Try to break your letter into paragraphs, so it shall be in more readable form.
8. Avoid writing letter onto more than a page because it may get overlooked by an official due to the time required for reading it.
9. End your letter with “Sincerely”.
10. Type your name below “Sincerely”, but make sure you leave 2 lines gap between them.
11. Now print you letter and sign it. The sign should be done on the blank space left between “Sincerely” and your name.
12. Fold your letter vertically into 3 equal sections in a way that it shall fits into a standard size envelop.
13. Close the envelop using a tape or a glue. Mention the address over the envelop same as of letter.