
3 Proven Benefits of Blue Clay & its Uses in Cosmetics

Blue Clay Face Mask & Advantages

Blue clay is widely used in cosmetics and medicine. It has purifying, disinfectant and absorbent effects that eliminate toxins and harmful substances from the body. There are many benefits of blue clay. The healing power of the mineral manifesting in the treatment of trauma, contusions, sprains. It has a positive effect on the condition of the skin giving it firmness and elasticity that reduces stress.

Beauty Recipes from the Blue Clay

The main advantages of clay are its:

  • Cleaning properties (it absorbs dirt, toxins);
  • Rich mineral composition (minerals affect any kind of disease);
  • Accessibility (available at any drugstore or beauty salon).

Use recipes from the blue clay with great caution, because we have observed that it causes an allergic reaction for some people who have sensitive skin. Before applying such substances you should obtain advice from an expert and should not completely rely over self-treatment.

Rules for the application of blue clay masks

Blue Clay mask recipe for hair makes as follows.

The ratio of clay to warm boiled water is ½. But if the mass is too thick, you need to add more water.

  1. Thin liquid mask will be easier to apply on your hairs. If the tips are dry and brittle, not worth their cover the clay. Better to lubricate it with any vegetable oil.
  2. Leave the mask for at least 20 minutes and then wash hair with running water. Once completed you’ll observe natural shine and dense volume in your hairs.

Blue Clay mask recipe for face consists of the ratio of water and clay 1 to 1.

But beauticians recommend using warm milk instead of water. Such a mask is considered to be more nutritious and useful.

  1. It is applied on clean skin, should not be more than 15 minutes old and shall be washed off with warm water.
  2. Afterwards you should apply the moisturizer.

Rules wraps with blue clay

Recipe wraps with blue clay is actively used by females at home. Mass effectively cleanses the skin, helps combat cellulite and stretch marks. Preparing standard mask: clay mixed with water to the consistency of sour cream.

Apply tool preferably on steaming skin, particularly on problem areas (after baths or saunas). After applying the body wrap with plastic wrap. Go to bed, under the blanket. Withstand 30 minutes, then remove the tape and take a shower.

Use masks with blue clay is available and are not expensive to preserve the beauty and health of your body.


Written by Sheri


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